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Thursday, January 29, 2009

2009- mangalore, terrorists and society

another issue of national importance has emerged out from the mangalore rioting and extremism. the whole idea of beating girls in a 'pub'lic place is a devilish and a heinous crime. however, there is more that meets the eye from the whole incident. at first look, the fingers point at bjp and the mass hysteria that such an event could do to tamper its image. even our home minister, chidambaram said it was an attempt to defame BJP. clearly, this is a game of simple politics in the election year. its common sense that BJP would not only gain mass support from such acts (u'll understand why) but be given a boost of votes because of such things rather than tainting it's image.

anyone remember's babri ? oh yes ... it was a heinous crime too. now, that was clearly openly done. this is a more subtle deed. any opinion show on the news channel may provide 2 conflicting opinions. one, the 'conservatists' of liberalisation pointing to the freedom of expression and the other the conservative conservatives trying to show the light of uncultured and immoral practices being followed in metros.

both are equally sensible and yet conflicting. we deserve the right to experiment and express. but in the name of expression, we need not forget our culture, our heritage and certain rules not dictated by the constitution, but by the rich history of our ancestors.

let me be brief. our modern culture cannot be based on live-in relations, teenage sex and pregnancies because these are the vices of western civilization. rather than learning, politicians know metros have fallen prey to it. britain battled of teenage pregnancies 3 years back and found that 80% of young girls losing virginity. nothing is immoral according to the law, but not scientifically and socially, NOT ACCEPTABLE.

now then, any fight has always helped BJP get the masses from all the states (except educated metro people) syncronise with BJP and thats what it has understood it must do. india shining failed badly because the target was middle-class, while congress had been fundamentally supporting farmers and other lower class (though never in the name of factious politics). BSP. the brilliant example of grassroot level politics.
so, anyways, It is definately going to help extremist politicians ruling our country helped by the fickleness of the masses.
admit it, for a common man, I'd always go for preserving our culture and define mangalore acts as barbaric, but think that the distorted culture of metros need be stopped.. this is when i start getting in sync with the ideology that i had initially opposed. cant understand? read again .. you wont anyways...

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