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Saturday, July 11, 2009


There's just something about maggi. No, she's not a girl. No, i've not bought a pet and named her maggi. maggi is maggi, yes. the 2 minute noodles that everyone is so ga-ga about.
whats so special in it ?

well, for boys nothing much . but there's just something about maggi. Its the Ultimate Universal liking of every girl.. the 2 minute noodles are just their liking. Now only god know why. and thats what interests me. You think its a stupid generalisation, ask the ones you are courting or wanting to court. do they like maggi ? Mostly they DO.

i mean how can 'maida', something not too good for the stomach, combined with some 'masala' be the liking of majority of girls ? even the health conscious ones. now the people who're reading this think its a joke. but believe me, if there's a way to women's heart, maggi is one of them . definately.

they fantasize, they dream and they like it. what they fantasize ? some with vegetables, some fried, some with omlette and all kind of experiments .. and when things go wrong, they love it plain too ..

some fantasize making it at late hours, with romance in their eyes. some think about making new languages to describe recipe's of maggi. some share it with their loved ones, some dream of it. they just have a fetish. and thats maggi.
there's just something about maggi. and i dont know why .

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