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Monday, February 2, 2009

the assignment orgy ....

2 DISAPPROVING an orgy of sth a period when there is too much of something, usually a bad or harmful activity:

well, this week has been a mixed bag of sorts .. with loads of assignments, projects (and other work of mine), its been a real pain in the neck.
now then, it's monday (where we submitted an assignment of implementing a radio simulator on MATLAB.. worked whole sunday for that .. and i guess the work was research-kind thingy )
monday has bought 4 more assignments to my notice. come tuesday, rihani and saha need pieces of paper (termed by them as assignments, but by a friend as ASS-in-MINT)to be kept in their rooms and let them rot all year (before they finally decide to earn some money by selling it @6-9 rupees per kg.).

wednesday is off (but u never know if a teacher decides giving assignment for that day, too)

thursday is arun day when we submit derivations of all the equations he wrote today in class. any utility of such clerk-work ?? i dont think so..

friday brings another saha ass-in-mint to the fore ... wow na ??
now, then the week's packed up .. one ORGY we have in pec ....

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