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Thursday, January 8, 2009


well, i intend not to make this article anti-US, but just cannot help. just like the export of recession, they have successfully created a more dangerous opposition for not only themselves, but for the entire world.

well, to go back in time, afghanistan's demise was caused by the russian invasion.(the 1st at fault). in the years to come, the prosperity enjoyed by afghans never came back and such resentment was bound to grow into harmful activities. Our honorable neighbours (with financial support of US) provide the training camps, ammunition and skills to the rebels so that they fight against the russians. fuelled by US initially the taliban, which in the name of restoration law become a military rule and no peace, no effort to restore a social life is made. friends turn into foes when taliban tries its hands at destroying its creator and things just go worser. and worser.

now,alongwith the arms and ammunition (provided for the afghan war), pakistan gets enough funds to carry on it's agenda for kashmir. the training camps and other infrastructure easily available, pakistan up's it's offensive on india.
and what happens after is that we all know.

i dont say that its india who is the sufferer. india has had it's share of bad practices and policies done in the name of vote bank politics. communalising hindu-muslim factions, the babri masjid riots, sikh riots, gujarat riots etc are a few to name (which were internal matter of the country and dealt wrongly). but whats the future now ??

mumbai attacks has opened up our eyes for rethinking and restrategizing just like recession has been an eye opener,too.
i read a very important idea which is worth mentioning here. India, has successfully solved problems of terrorism earlier (the sikh riots) by no military action- like our honorable US did for iraq and afghanistan- which is a TOTAL BLUNDER which indians cannot afford to repeat (learning from west's mistakes rite?? ).
in the case of sikh riots, india eradicated terrorism from its roots by making the place prosperous, inviting trade and making people self-dependant. at the end of the day, a prosperous person can never commit extremist steps.

if there is terrorism means pakistan's and afghanistan's government failed to make the society prosperous. so, to eradicate terrorism from its roots, we must find ways to rethink and make the impoverished, frustrated community of these countries more prosperous rather than keeping them at war (which is defering the situation right ??? )

to read about history of taliban:::

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